
Derginin Adı: Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Cilt: 2015/2
Sayı: 2
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 24.03.2016
Okunma Sayısı: 2
Makale Özeti: Βajanje, basma, bajalica are the serbian words that belong to the circle of magical terminology. Interesting is the comparative approach that compare the Serbs and the Greeks at the linguistic aspect. Βajanje is seen as a magical behavior which aims to make a change in the desired direction. As a rule, the basis of this behavior makes a voice part - specific language formula, shorter or longer, which is usually called by Serbs basma. In the literature the Serbs use the word bajalica as a synonym for the basma , term that in Serbian is used as a common name for a person who is engaged in chanting, and it is usually a woman. Greek for bajanje use the term καταδέσμος, while for the basma they have more terms: κατάδεσμος, μαγεία, μαγγανεία, γητειά / γήτεμα, ξόρκι, and επωδή. Based on these findings, we see that the Greeks „bajanje“ use the above terms and that as a marker for the same action and as a result of these actions they have “ basme, bajalice”. In the case of the Greek’s terms we can make a classification on the basis of objective magic spells that act on the content and those can be as follows: 1. positive or negative for achieving any goal, whether good or bad - κατάδεσμος, μαγεία, μαγγανεία. We must draw attention to just κατάδεσμος and μαγγανεία are basme with negative content and operation. 2. those that are used for the treatment and reject evil ξόρκι, επωδή while γητειά / γήτεμα may be to invoke the rejection of evil, so for healing and for love.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Narodno bajanje predstavlja širok prostor za ispitivanje gradje kako kod Srba tako i kod Grka. Ispitivanje se vrši sa više aspekata, držeći se magijskih principa i pravila koja vladaju u građenju verbalne strukture bajanja. Interesantan je komparativan prilaz kojim se upoređuju basme kod Srba i Grka s lingvističkog aspekta. Grci za "bajanje" koriste termin καταδέσμος, dok za basmu imaju više termina: μαγεία, ξόρκι, γήτεμα, μαγγανεία, επωδή. Svaki termin označava posebnu vrstu basme što se ogleda u različitim terminima označivačima. Na uporednom primeru svakog grčkog termina videćemo podudarnosti u sistematizaciji naših basmi što otvara veliki prostor za istraživanje.

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