Makale Özeti:
This article focuses on how the study of Comparative Religion conducted in
Indonesian Islamic higher institutions, i.e. on both UIN Y ogyakarta and Jakarta
since the beginning of the New Order (1960s) to Reform era (201 4). The
focus of the study was on models/approaches and main issues. In general, for
more than half a centur y, the comparative study of religion is not been done
for academic purposes an sich. Just within the new last decade that theoretical
studies of Comparative Religion began developed. Another important thing
that the study of Comparative Religion in Indonesia, although mostly referring to the methodological sources of the W est and the Middle East, but it
has always been associated with religious and cultural context of Indonesia.
Therefore, the study on both UIN Y ogyakarta and Jakarta always deliver courses
on religions that live in Indonesia alongside with Indonesian contemporar y
issues. In the reform era, though still using Comparative Religion’s term, but
it looks religious studiessuch as used in the W est. Thus, its “form” or “clothes”
is Comparative Religion but it is religious studies.