
Derginin Adı: Traektoriâ nauki
Cilt: 2016/2
Sayı: 9
Makale Başlık: The experiments of composers of the Russian avant-garde epoch in the field of arts synthesis
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: Alternatif dilde başlık bulunmamaktadır. There is no article title in another language.)
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 6.05.2016
Okunma Sayısı: 1
Makale Özeti: The article scientifically substantiates the features of avant-garde art that is aimed at finding synesthesian community of art languages and aesthetic transformation of reality. It identifies the main features of the Russian avant-garde composers Mikhail Matyushin’s and Alexander Mosolov’s experimental creativity. It is proved that the dominant feature of their work is the creation of a new model of art that brings together all types of human exposure and returns the fullness of perception and cognition.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Alternatif dilde abstract bulunmamaktadır. (There is no abstract in another language.)

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