
Derginin Adı: European Researcher
Cilt: 2014/14
Sayı: 84
Makale Başlık: The Cyclicity of the Development of the Global Economic System amid Present-Day Globalization
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: Alternatif dilde başlık bulunmamaktadır. There is no article title in another language.)
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 20.11.2015
Okunma Sayısı: 1
Makale Özeti: The relevance of this topic is associated with the diversity of causes behind crisis processes in economics and the individuality of each particular crisis. This necessitates classifying them in a detailed fashion. The present downturn is a manifestation of the cyclicity of the development of the global economic system amid present-day globalization and the established architecture of the institutional space. The formal (legislation, contractual rules, corporate norms, etc.) and nonformal institutes (rules, customs, traditions, behavior as a whole, etc.), undergoing changes in their structure and mechanisms, caused the emergence of financial innovations whose yield surpassed that of the real sector of the economy multifold. This facilitated the concentration of money in financial markets and transforming them into a thing-in-itself. The theory of economic cycles is one of the theories of economic dynamics which explain the movement of the national economy. While the theory of economic growth explores factors and conditions for growth as a long-term trend, the theory of cycles deals with causes behind fluctuations in economic activity through time. Results. In accordance with the aims of this study, the authors established that crises can have the following causes: objective, which are associated with the cyclical development of the system, modernization and restructuring needs, and the impact of external factors, and subjective, which reflect errors in management, shortcomings in the organization of production, and the imperfections of innovation and investment policy. A crisis can take its course manifestly and be easily detected or can be inconspicuous and take its course in a latent form. The most dangerous are crises that affect the system as a whole. In a situation of this kind, there forms a train of complex issues resolving which depends on the timeliness of detecting them and professionalism in managing the organization, municipal education, and the state.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Циклическое развитие присуще как экономике в целом, так и ее отдельным отраслям. Она свойственна и многим иным процессам в природе и обществе. Свой жизненный цикл имеют даже товары. Цикличность в экономике, как и в других сферах, отражает неустойчивость развития, переход от одной экономической конъюнктуры к другой, от менее совершенной структуры производства к более совершенной, от одного уровня эффективности экономики к другому, от одной доли экстенсивных факторов к другой, от одной степени удовлетворения потребностей к более высокой. Это все формы отражения экономической конъюнктуры, которые могут рождаться не только по восходящей, но и по нисходящей линии. Наиболее яркий пример – движение экономики по фазам цикла. От кризиса, через депрессию и оживление, к подъему и обратно.

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