
Derginin Adı: Researches Review of the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
Cilt: 2012/41
Sayı: 1
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: RELJEF BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 4.03.2013
Okunma Sayısı: 2
Makale Özeti: This paper describes basic geomorphological characteristics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The genesis and the morfoevolution of the recent relief of the area that was researched is related to the activities of neo-tectonic movements during Pliocene/ Quaternary. Bosnia and Herzegovina is dominated by a mountainous relief. From a geomorphologic standpoint, the most pronounced relief shapes and occurrences are those of derasional, fluviodenudational and karst landforms. The fluvial morpho sculpture is less present. It features mainly in wide, basin-like depressions in northern Bosnia, and smaller basins in the Outer and Central Dinarides. Periglacial, fluviokarstic and traces of the glacial relief with other landforms of different genetic types have an island-like distribution and micro-location character. Based on morphological, morpho-structural and morpho-genetical characteristics of the researched area, it can be said that the relief of Bosnia and Herzegovina is of polymorph, polyphase and polygenetic disposition.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: U radu su opisane osnovne geomorfološke karakteristike Bosne i Hercegovine. Nastanak i razvoj savremenog reljefa istraživanog područja vezuje se za aktivnost neotektonskih pokreta u periodu pliocen/kvartar. U Bosni i Hercegovini dominira planinski reljef. Sa morfogenetskog stanovišta najzastupljeniji su derazijski, fluviodenudacijski i kraški reljefni oblici. Fluvijalna morfoskulptura, prostorno, manje je zastupljena. Uglavnom prevladava u prostranim zavalskim ulegnućima na sjeveru Bosne i manjim zavalskokotlinskim udubljenjima Vanjskih i Središnjih Dinarida. Periglacijalni i fluviokrški reljef, tragovi fosilnog glacijalnog reljefa, kao i ostali reljefni oblici, otočnog su rasprostranjenja i mikrolokacijskog karaktera. Na osnovu morfoloških, morfostrukturnih i morfogenetskih karakteristika analiziranog terena, može se istaći da je reljef Bosne i Hercegovine polimorfnog, polifaznog i poligenetskog obilježja.

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