
Derginin Adı: Problems of Education in the 21st Century
Cilt: 2011/36
Sayı: 36
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: Alternatif dilde başlık bulunmamaktadır. There is no article title in another language.)
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 24.03.2016
Okunma Sayısı: 1
Makale Özeti: The aim of this study was to determine which sports are most popular among pupils of primary school in Serbia, in order to determine which sports would be advisable to introduce in the classes of physical education to increase the level of interest of pupils to actively participate in PE. The sample included 8120 students, of which 30% are actively involved in sports, 28 % drop out and 42% had never engaged in sports. Most students would like to introduce as an optional sport basketball, swimming, volleyball, football, handball, karate and at least students would like to introduce acrobatics, orienteering, rhythmic gymnastics. Obtained were statistically significant differences according to gender (boys would like to be introduced basketball and football and girls would like volleyball and swimming), success (excellent pupils would most like to be introduced swimming and volleyball; pupils with very good, good and enough success prefered basketball) and sport (pupils involved in sports and those who retreated would like to be introduced basketball and swimming and those who have never been involved in sports would like volleyball and basketball). The results indicated that for the students of primary schools in Serbia basketball the most popular sport and that on promotion of other sports in the school environment should still be done.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Alternatif dilde abstract bulunmamaktadır. (There is no abstract in another language.)

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