Derginin Adı:
International Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics
Makale Başlık:
Attitude and Anxiety of Teacher Candidate on the Methods of Creative Drama
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık:
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Makale Eklenme Tarihi:
Okunma Sayısı:
Makale Özeti:
Creative Drama Course, one of the active teaching methods, has been used in the study by the aim of determining
which aspects might affect perspectives, concerns and attitudes of the students towards mathematics. In this study, we
aimed to determine the attitudes and concerns of pre-service teachers towards mathematics who take Creative Drama
course. As a data collection tool, “Creative Drama Attitude Scale” developed by Okvuran (2000) and “Mathematics
Anxiety Scale” developed by Biber (2012) have been used in the study. We determined that the levels of attitude and
anxiety of pre-service teachers did not suggest any significant difference in terms of gender factor. Besides, it has been
concluded that the performed process with creative drama decreases the level of student’s anxiety on Mathematics and
positively affects their attitudes towards Mathematics as well. In conclusion, It can be said that the teaching method we
used can be efficient in teaching.
Alternatif Dilde Özet:
Alternatif dilde abstract bulunmamaktadır. (There is no abstract in another language.)