
Cilt: 2013/1
Sayı: 32
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 11.09.2013
Okunma Sayısı: 4
Makale Özeti: : Araştırmanın amacı, müzik alanı ve farklı eğitim alanlarından mezun olan bireylerin kurumsal Türk Sanat Müziği korolarında yer alma durumlarını ortaya koymak ve mezun oldukları eğitim alanlarına bağlı olarak mesleki-kültürel açıdan kendilerini geliştirme durumlarını tespit etmektir. Araştırma kapsamında, Ankara'daki Kurumsal Türk Sanat Müziği korolarında çalışan bireylerin eğitim durumlarının ne olduğu, farklı eğitim alanlarından mezun olan bireylerin kurumsal Türk sanat müziği korolarında yer alma durumları ve mezun oldukları eğitim alanlarına göre bu korolardaki sanatçıların mesleki ve kültürel açıdan kendilerini geliştirme durumlarının ne olduğu araştırılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Ankara Radyo Televizyon Kurumu Türk Sanat Müziği koristler ve orkestra sanatçıları ile Ankara Klasik Türk Müziği Korosu’ndaki Türk Sanat Müziği koristler ve orkestra sanatçıları oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ölçme aracı olarak anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Kurumsal Türk Sanat Müziği Korolarında çalışan sanatçıların eğitim durumlarını ve mezun oldukları eğitim alanlarına göre kültürel ve mesleki açıdan kendilerini geliştirme durumlarını ortaya koyması açısından önemlidir.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Aims of the research are to determine, to be present of individuals, graduating from music and other educational areas, for chorus of Associational Turkish Traditional Music development of individual, depends on the educational areas of their graduations from vocational and cultural aspects. In the context of research; educational situations of individuals, who work in chorus of Associational Turkish Traditional Music, situations of being present chorus of Associational Turkish Traditional Music, for individuals who graduated from different educational areas. In accordance with educational areas which individuals graduated, development situations of individuals of chorus of Associational Turkish Traditional Music, in Ankara, from vocational and cultural aspects, were searched. This study used survey method as a measurement tool. The statistical techniques used in the basic descriptive statistics and chi-square test of independence graphs and one-way analysis of variance. Graduated from the research fields of education, vocational and cultural point of view the main and combine defects on individuals' self-development conditions will be investigated. In this study, graduate education of individuals with different areas of Turkish classical music choirs to take part in corporate situations, The graduates of the other graduates of the study group according to the music area with professional self-development field conditions and the working group of graduates of music other than the graduates of the answers to the questions sought to be culturally how to improve their situation. Working group of this research is formed by artists of orchestra and chorus of Associational Turkish Traditional Music in Ankara. Survey was made as a measurement tools in this research. According to the data obtained in this study at the undergraduate level of Professional music training institutions, individuals who graduated from the enterprise to take part in Turkish classical music choirs were also determined. In addition, the educational status of the individuals working in these choruses, areas, etc. They graduated to these issues by giving information on many subjects’ comparisons of Professional and cultural self-development conditions have been identified. As a result of this research enterprise in Ankara, mainly composed of university and college graduates in the educational status of individuals has emerged Turkish Art Music choirs. In addition, individuals working in these choirs in music education and conservatories are university graduate sand 20% of respondents, while 45% were found to be non-college graduates. In addition, individuals who work in Ankara, 45 percent of corporate work with choirs Turkish Art Music has no place for a special, music, and other areas, 33 percent of graduates has been concluded that there is a special place to work in their homes. Research data show a concentration of 1-2 hours per day working hours. Employees the opportunity to develop themselves to recognize institutions that make up the study, the study group did not think that is very positive. This is a positive opinion about the group's music graduates with an average of 3.75, while it was followed by non-university graduates with an average of 3.46. In this regard has been the most pessimistic group of graduates from other fields. However, as a result of the analysis of variance between groups was not statistically significant. Individuals in the study group, believe that efforts to improve themselves with an average 3.89. 3.81 The average graduates of the music department, non-university graduates average 3.7and 4.19 were obtained as the average of those from other areas. This situation of individuals to develop themselves they think they do not show too much effort. However, as a result of the analysis of variance between groups was not statistically significant. 44 percent of individuals in the study group stated that they know a foreign language. As a result of the analysis a significant relationship between level of education and knowledge of foreign languages, respectively. Graduates from other fields, proved to be better than in the case of foreign language competence. In terms of Internet use, the music department graduates and graduates of other area very good condition. Almost all of those who have graduated from the music department and other areas using the internet, this rate by half a percentage, such as 45 percent of those without a university degree. This shows that the relationship between the levels of education used the internet. By reading newspapers from other areas that are the best ones. Not read any newspapers reported that 10 percent of individuals in the study group. 23 percent of individuals surveyed stated that they not read any books. Read a lot of books than those who graduated from universities in other parts of the shows. 36 percent of respondents stated that they not have gone to the movies. As a result of the analysis is a significant relationship between education level and were going to the movies. Less than non-university graduates attend a movie. 53 percent of individuals in the study group expressed not have gone any opera-ballet or theater. 39 percent of 1-2 times a year and 8 percent stated that they go 1-2 times a month. Close to each other that the other ones are not graduates of university graduates in other areas, the results are different from the music section. Graduates from other fields, attend more opera-ballet or theater. Based on the information obtained, the music ahead of the graduates, graduates of other area is expected to be culturally, graduates from other fields result lags behind encountered. This is, graduates in this area of choir music shows that they are not culturally predisposed to develop themselves. This research is very significant to determine education and individual improvement situations of artists working in Chorus of Associational Turkish Traditional Music. Institutional and Professional artists working in choirs, as well as the need to develop culturally than themselves. To achieve this, artists and provide direction to develop themselves professionally training is suggested. In addition, this development is that members of the chorus, the provider should be encouraged cultural activities. Turkish Art Music for this study would be useful in areas other than music.

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