
Cilt: 2013/1
Sayı: 32
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: TEACHER PROBLEMS-ÇANAKKALE CASE-
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 12.09.2013
Okunma Sayısı: 5
Makale Özeti: Bu araştırma Çanakkale ilinde görev yapan okul öncesi öğretmenleri, sınıf öğretmenleri ve branş öğretmenlerinin yaşadıkları sorunları ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından düzenlene hizmet içi eğitim faaliyetlerine katılan 220 öğretmenden 99’una 15 sorundan oluşan bir ölçek sunulmuş ve bu sorunlardan en çok rahatsız oldukları 4 tanesini seçmeleri istenmiştir. Böylece öğretmenler tarafından toplam 396 sorun seçimi yapılmıştır. Bu sorunlardan frekansı en çok olanlar incelendiğinde öğretmenler için en rahatsız edici sorunların başında “gelirin düşük olması”, “toplumdaki saygınlığının düşmesi” ile “sık değişen programlar ve mevzuatlar” ın geldiği ortaya çıkmıştır. Frekansı en az olan sorunlar incelendiğinde ise “norm kadro sorunları”, “performansın takdir edilmemesi” ile “çalışma saatlerinin fazlalığı” sorunlarının öğretmenleri en az rahatsız eden sorunlardan olduğu görülmüştür.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Education is the backbone in the development of any nation. It is a fact that countries that have an effective system of education also happen to be the leaders of the world, both socially and economically. In short it is education, which can turn the population of any country from a burden to human resource. In this article we will be discussing the problems being faced by Teachers. During the period from roughly the late 1950s to the early 1980s, teacher education was defined primarily as a training problem. The essence of this approach was conceptualizing teacher education as a formal educational process intended to ensure that the behaviors of prospective teachers matched those of “effective” teachers. During the period from roughly the early 1980s through the early 2000s, teacher education was defined primarily as a learning problem. This approach assumed that excellent teachers were professionals who were knowledgeable about subject matter and pedagogy and who made decisions, constructed responsive curriculum, and knew how to continue learning throughout the professional lifespan (Cochran-Smith, 2004). The first and foremost factor in choosing a profession anywhere the financial benefits which a person, derives from it. The salary of our teacher is quite meager and is not enough to lead a decent life and support a healthy family. This not only diverts the attention of the teacher but also brings a bad name to this once the most respected profession. If it is ensured that a teacher gets enough financial benefits with which he can lead a decent life, he will then be in a position to invest all his energies in doing justice to his profession. The other most important factor, which in majority of the cases is as important as financial problems that a profession commands is the respect that it gives to a person who joins it. As already touched above teaching is constantly losing its respect. The situation is so bad today that qualified people opt for other professions and majority of persons joining this profession are of quit a low caliber. It has been observed that majority of the teachers are not only posted away from the cities/villages they belong to but are also subjected to very frequent transfers. Frequent transfers also have a negative effect on the family life of teachers especially the education of their children. It is a fact that once teachers are inducted in our education system they are seldom provided any training of substance. Due to lack of training they are not aware of challenges of the future and hence are unable to prepare their students to play their due role. Due to lack of realistic investment in our educational institutions since independence, the pressure on schools has increased many folds. On the average a single teacher teaches at least sixty students in a classroom which was basically meant for thirty students. Our system of education lacks communication between teaching staff, parents, headmasters, and the concerned higher authorities. Due to this they are unable to coordinate and make consolidated efforts for the uplift of the educational system and end-up blaming each other. As already discussed once a teacher is inducted he seldom goes through any training. In case a teacher is fortunate enough to go for training it never ever is of any quality and hence there exists no grooming facility for a teacher. In order to impart proper education a teacher requires a number of aides to achieve this goal. These include a variety of audio visual aids also known as teaching kits etc. In the absence of these aids a teacher fails to explain all the concepts theoretically and mostly ends-up confusing the students (Khan, 2008). The purpose of this study is to find out the problems encountered by the early childhood educators, classroom teachers and branch teachers serving in the province of Çanakkale. Within this context, 99 teachers out of 220, who were participating in the in-service training activities of the Ministry of Education, were given a scale with 15 recognized problems and asked to specify problems they encounter and decide on the 4 most disturbing ones. Total of 395 problems specified by the teachers. Analyzing frequencies of the specified problems, ‘low income levels’, ‘lowered status in the society’ and ‘rapidly changing curriculums and legislations’ can be counted as the most disturbing issues for teachers. Analyzing frequencies of the least mentioned problems on the other hand, ‘problems of staffing standards’, ‘non-appreciation of performances’ and ‘long working hours’ are the least disturbing issues for teachers.

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