
Derginin Adı: The International Research Journal of Education and Sciences (IRJES)
Cilt: 2018/2
Sayı: 2
Makale Başlık: Entrepreneurship Values as Learning Resources of Whiting Industry in Sugara Island Village, Indonesia
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: Alternatif dilde başlık bulunmamaktadır. There is no article title in another language.)
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 15.04.2019
Okunma Sayısı: 1
Makale Özeti: This study aims to identify the values of entrepreneurship as a learning resource in the whiting industry in Sugara Island Village. The research method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive method with the case study research type, which is to identify entrepreneurial values in the small whiting industry adopted by business owners and employees in the small whiting industry in Sugara Island Village. Data sources used in this study are primary and secondary data. Data analysis is carried out using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the whiting industry, which includes the processing of whiting in general and some supporting local factors, namely kapah, kupak, pembanaman, penjumputan, pengayuhan, pundut, belek, and bos. (Utilization of entrepreneurial values contained in the process of whiting that is used as a source of economic learning, craftsmanship and entrepreneurship that comprise of commitment, moderate risk, seeing opportunities, objectivity, feedback, optimism, money and proactive management that are essential in entrepreneurship.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Alternatif dilde abstract bulunmamaktadır. (There is no abstract in another language.)

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