Derginin Adı:
Russian Psychological Journal
Makale Başlık:
Psychological Characteristics of Ultimate Senses in the Situation of Studying Features of Self-Regulation of the Court Personnel
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Makale Özeti:
This article describes features of sense regulation of the court personnel. These features have been revealed in the diagnostic study using the technique “Ultimate Senses” as a projective method for studying the sense sphere of personality worked out by D. A. Leontiev. Self-regulation is a rather complex psychological construct, which needs a “deep” diagnostics. There are methods for diagnosing volitional self-regulation today, but this is a different psychological
construct. The main difference between volitional and sense processes is the degree of their consciousness. Volitional processes presuppose the act of awareness as a required attribute (this is a volitional intention). Sense processes are usually unconscious and can become true conscious forms only under certain circumstances.
This “unconsciousness” is a distinctive feature of sense regulation as the subject of the study presented in this article. Traditional diagnostic methods are not suitable for this. There is a necessity of techniques revealing intensional-sense characteristics of this psychological construct. The “Ultimate Senses” projective test can be used with this purpose. It has made it possible to reveal and characterize
features and levels of self-regulation of the court personnel.
The obtained characteristics – the decentralization index (to what extent the person acts out of self-interest in situations of assessing something), reflexivity index (to what extent the person focuses on the specificity of his / her experiences and perceptions of reality), unreadiness index (focus on the denial of value judgments)
– have made it possible to describe the reference characteristics which are characteristic for the court personnel with a high level of sense self-regulation. The author has distinguished the following main reference characteristics: the level of general meaningfulness of life, ability to reflect and realize goals in accordance with professional requirements, ability to evaluate themselves as active participants in the life process, being ready to take responsibility for solving production problems.
Alternatif Dilde Özet:
Alternatif dilde abstract bulunmamaktadır. (There is no abstract in another language.)