Derginin Adı:
Russian Psychological Journal
Makale Başlık:
Methodological Bases for Psychological Support of the Teacher at Various Stages of His / Her Professional and Personal Development
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Makale Özeti:
The article deals with the problem of some methodological guidelines in the content of psychological support of teachers at the stages of professional and personal development.
The analysis of the problem proceeds from the idea of the convergence of self-image and the image of the teacher’s personality standard in the process of the person’s professional development; and mental new formations, reXecting the degree of the convergence of self-image and the image of the teacher’s personality standard, come into existence. The authors demonstrate that the teacher’s desire to get closer to an “ideal” (mainly through the development of qualities of “leadership”) rather takes him / her away from really productive models of pedagogical communication. They suppose that a distorted view of an
ideal teacher as an authoritative, dominant personality is formed by the context of long-term domination of attitudes of authoritarian pedagogy in the structure and content of education.
The study of characteristics of the teacher’s personality structure shows
that teaches of comprehensive and correctional educational institutions are characterized by higher indices of rigidity, gloom, and emotional lability. Indices of anxiety and individuality are least expressed.
On the basis of mathematical-statistical analysis of the empirical data on characteristics of modern teachers’ personality the authors have distinguished two main stages of the integration of the teacher’s personality traits and requirements of professional activity: professional and personal formation and professional and personal maturity. This can be considered as a signiYcant methodological guideline in psychological support of teachers. The main objectives of psychological support of teachers are deYned. They are focused on personal characteristics and the problems inherent in each of the stages of professional and personal development. The authors draw a conclusion about the necessity of extensive studies assessing the eZectiveness of various methods of psychological work with teachers and solving problems of optimization of vocational training of psychologists of
Alternatif Dilde Özet:
Alternatif dilde abstract bulunmamaktadır. (There is no abstract in another language.)