Makale Özeti:
The paper discusses the problem of relations between creative imagination and psychological characteristics of specialists in the sphere of art. The paper also describes the methodology and procedure of the empirical study of the individual psychological characteristics of specialists in the sphere of art with a high level ofproductivity ofcreative imagination. The study involved 240 respondents: specialists in the sphere of art (artists, actors) and specialists not working in the eld of art. Theprocedure of research included the determination of the level of the productivity of creative imagination and psychological testing.
When determining the level of the productivity of creative imagination, the authors applied the expert evaluation of art works; the respondents made these art works inthe monotypy technique. As a result, all the participants of the study were divided into subgroups of high and low productivity within their professional groups. Forpsychological testing the authors used the personality inventory FPI, questionnaire
for evaluating volitional self-control (A. G. Zverkov and E. V. Eydman), “Choose aside” test (E. Torrance), “Incomplete gures” subtest (E. Torrance), and method of paired comparisons (V. V. Skvortsov). For statistical evaluation the authors carried out acomparative analysis using Student’s t-test. Statistica 13.0 software was used.
The analysis of the obtained data demonstrated the individual psychological characteristics of the specialists of the sphere of art – artists and actors – with ahigh level of the productivity of creative imagination. The representatives of the sphere ofart with a high level of the productivity of creative imagination had ahigh level
ofneurosis, irritability, and emotional lability. High scores on scales of shyness, depression, introversion, low level of volitional self-regulation were distinctive characteristics of artists with a high level of the productivity of creative imagination.
Right-brained and mixed types of thinking dominated in them; the level of nonverbal creativity was high; elaboration had the highest score; self-actualization and respect were the main needs. Actors with a high level of the productivity of creative imagination had a reliably higher score on the scale of balance; the mixed type ofthinking was the dominant type; the level of non-verbal creativity was average;
the need for self-realization had the highest score.