Derginin Adı:
Russian Psychological Journal
Makale Başlık:
The structure of a situation of psychological assistance to substitute families
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Makale Özeti:
Introduction. Little attention has been devoted to studying the psychological reality of psychological assistance in the context of institutions supporting families. Much research on substitute families has been done. However, most of the previous models only describe specific areas of work, typical problems in substitute families, and certain techniques of work in some cases.This paper is the first study of the problem of psychological support of substitute families in the context of psychologists’ view of the structure of a situation of assistance.The findings of the study are of direct practical relevance, supplement the existing ideas about psychological assistance and psychological support of substitute families, as well as contribute to the theoretical development of the problem of a psychotherapeutic situation structure.Methods. The study involved 5 psychologists supporting children without parental care and substitute families. A semi-structured interview was employed in the study. The study used a phenomenological approach to analyze and interpret the findings.Results. The study revealed the features of the basic structural components of a situation of psychological assistance: a client, a therapist, problems, and relationship between them.Discussion. The study considers the findings in terms of a chronotope model. The representations about the structure of a situation of psychological assistance in the psychologists working with substitute families include the presentations about the institution influencing the other elements.In conclusion: the structure of the situation of psychological assistance to substitute families is a part of the psychologists’ representations. The institution influences the psychotherapeutic process. The specialist’s understanding of his/her place in the system of assistance is important.
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