
Derginin Adı: Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi Dergisi
Cilt: 2011/17
Sayı: 1
Makale Başlık: İlköğretim Okullarında Örgütsel İklim ve Örgüt Sağlığının Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkisi
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: The Effects of Organizational Climate and Organizational Health on Organizational Commitment in Primary Schools
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 14.01.2015
Okunma Sayısı: 1
Makale Özeti: Bu araştırmada okul iklimi ve okul sağlığının okul çalışanlarının örgütsel bağlılıkları üzerinde etkili bir faktör olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Diğer bir ifadeyle öğretmenlerin okullarına ve diğer meslektaşlarına bağlılığını ifade eden örgütsel bağlılık etkili bir okul iklimi ile okul sağlığının bir göstergesi midir? sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Bunun için Ankara ili merkez ilçelerinde yer alan 42 ilköğretim okulu ile bu okullarda görev yapan 657 öğretmene 4 dereceli likert tipinde ölçek uygulanmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkinin gücü için korelasyon katsayıları hesaplanmış, ayrıca; değişkenlerin birbirlerini etkileyip etkilemediği ve açıklama gücünün ne olduğu çoklu regresyon analizi ile ortaya konmuştur. Analiz sonucunda elde edilen bulgular, öğretmenlerin örgütsel bağlılığını yordamada örgütsel sağlığın (OHI) boyutlarının güçlü bir şekilde ilişkili olduğunu, fakat örgütsel iklim boyutlarından (OCDQ-RS) sadece “müdürün destekleyici davranışı” ve “mesleki öğretmen davranışı” ile güçlü bir şekilde ilişkili olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. OHI’nin örgütsel bağlılığın yordanmasında OCDQ-RS’den daha iyi yordayıcı bir ölçme aracı olduğu bulunmuştur.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Background. Educational reformers hope that schools will be prepared to meet all needs of children in a better way by reconsidering the structure of educational system. While it is the main aim of the reform practiced to increase students’ success, it is also important to control school climate and health, and depending on these, to control how organizational commitment behaviors and feelings are developed by the members of school society, especially by the teachers in a performed educational system (Stedman, 1987; Bossert, 1988; Brookover, Beady, Flood, Schveltzer ve Wisenbaker, 1979; Celep, 2000; Balay, 2000; Çelik, 2003). Purpose. The purpose this study is to examine that the school climate and school health are effective factors that have effects on the organizational commitments of the people working in the schools. Predictive effects of organizational health and organizational climate on the organizational commitment perceptions of the primary teachers are examined. In order to reach this purpose the following research questions were formulated: 1. Is there a significant relationship between organizational commitment and organizational health? 2. Is there a significant relationship between organizational commitment and organizational climate? 3. Can organizational commitment be predicted from organizational health? 4. Can organizational commitment be predicted from organizational climate? Method. Data were collected from 657 primary teachers from 42 primary schools located in the city center of Ankara. Three different scales were used in the data gathering process. These scales -“Describing Organizational Climate Questionnaire (OCDQ-Rs)”, “Organizational Health Questionnaire (OHI)” and “Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ)”- were originally developed and revised by Porter, Steer, Mowday and Boulian (1974). In the data analysis process arithmetic mean , standard deviation, Pearson’s Moment correlation analysis (r) techniques were used. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted in order to predict organizational commitment from organizational climate and organizational health. Results. The lowest maximum grade mean which is related to the sub scales of the Organizational Health Measurement is %11.55 (Institutional Integrity) and the possible maximum grade one is %26.22 (teachers’ commitment). Teachers’ perception about Organizational Health Scale, Intuitional Integrity subscale has the lowest standard deviation. This subscale has the highest consistency. The biggest change in teachers’ perception belongs to collegial leadership subscale. In other words, this scale is the variable with the lowest consistency among teachers’ perception. Excluding institutional integrity, a positive relationship was observed among the most of the subscales of organizational health. It is also seen that the lowest maximum grade mean belonging to the subscales of the organizational climate instrument is %9.41 (disengaged behavior) and the possible highest maximum grade mean is %28.26 (supportive behavior). According to the results of regression analysis both the Organizational Health Measurement Instrument and Organizational Health Measurement Instrument explain more parts of the variance in predicting organizational commitment from the Organizational Health Instrument (OHI). Findings suggest that the principal has a direct effect on school commitment. Disengaged behavior and restrictive behavior which are the subscales of organizational climate have no effects on school health. Discussion. Findings of this study show that dimensions of organizational health (OHI) have an important effect on organizational commitment but all dimensions of organizational climate do not have a strong effect on it. In other words, OHI is more effective than OCDQ – RS in order to predict organizational commitment. Because, while organizational health subscales express 45 % of variance in organizational commitment, organizational health and organizational climate subscales together express 48% of the variance in teachers’ organizational commitment perception. Organizational climate subscales made a contribution of 3% for the prediction of organizational commitment. This result of the research supports the results of Hoy, Tarter and Bliss (1990). This result also shows that OHI has significant predictive effects on organizational commitment. The findings of this comparison did not surprise us. Organizational health scale predicts some characteristics like reaching organizational aims, revision, faith and integrity. These are directly linked to functional requirements (Parsons, 1961).