
Derginin Adı: Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi Dergisi
Cilt: 2010/16
Sayı: 4
Makale Başlık: Bağımsız Anaokulu Yöneticilerinin Bakış Açısından Okul Yönetimi Süreçlerinin İşleyişi ve Sorunlar
Makale Alternatif Dilde Başlık: Preschool Principals’ Views on School Management Processes and Related Problems
Makale Eklenme Tarihi: 15.01.2015
Okunma Sayısı: 1
Makale Özeti: Bu çalışma, okul müdürlerinin bakış açısıyla, bağımsız anaokullarında planlama, karar alma, eşgüdüm, iletişim ve değerlendirme süreçlerinin nasıl işlediğini betimlemek ve bu süreçlerde karşılaşılan sorunları belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Mersin ili merkezinde görev yapan 6 anaokulu müdürü oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler, yüz yüze görüşme yöntemiyle, yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, bağımsız anaokullarında planlamaların büyük çoğunluğunun zümre ve öğretmenler kurulu toplantıları aracılığıyla yapıldığı, bu toplantılarda ve oluşturulan komisyonlarda eğitim-öğretim, bütçe, genel işler gibi konularda kararların alındığı görülmektedir. Komisyonlar ve toplantılar haricinde müdürler de karar alabilmektedirler. Gerek okul-içi, gerekse çevreyle kurulan eşgüdümün de çoğunlukla toplantılar aracılığıyla sağlandığı görülmektedir. Okul-içi iletişim ikliminin olumlu olması, az sayıda çalışanın bu durumda etkili olduğunun düşünülmesi iletişim süreciyle ilgili öne çıkan bulgulardır. Velilerle ve diğer bağımsız anaokullarıyla iletişim olumluyken, üst ve diğer kurumlarla iletişimde çeşitli sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Değerlendirme sürecinde öne çıkan bulgular ise okul öncesi eğitiminde uzman müfettiş sayısının yetersiz olması ve buna bağlı olarak teftiş ve değerlendirmelerde çeşitli sorunların yaşanmasıdır.
Alternatif Dilde Özet: Background. Preschool education institutions differ from the schools at different educational levels in terms of goals, age characteristics of their student groups and personnel qualities which preschool education requires. According to Larkin (1999) who highlights the differences between preschools and other schools at different educational levels in terms of structure and interpersonal relations states that the hierarchy within these schools is flat which results in contacting school principal easily. In addition, these institutions are small with respect to student and personnel numbers. Moreover, close relations with parents constitute another significant characteristic of these schools. At this point, these differences charges different roles and duties to the preschool administrators, to supervisors, and teachers. Preschool education institutions have been established by various organizations in Turkey such as Ministry of National Education, Social Services and Child Protection Agency, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and Universities. This diversity creates both multiplicity among preschool education institutions in terms of establishment goals, space, equipment and problems related to administration of these institutions and common quality standards (Oktay, 2000). A literature review on administration of preschool education institutions reveals the following research interests: qualification problems of school principals, and supervisors, participation in decision-making process, and problems related to communication and supervision processes (Arnas, 2002; Atasavun, 1994; Bakan, 2002; Budak, 1999; Gündoğan, 2002; Kalemci, 1998; Kerem & Cömert, 2005; Maden, 1986; Tok, 2002; Turla, Şahin & Avcı, 2000; Tülü, 1998). However, researches on structures and management processes of pre-school institutions from a holistic point of view still appear to be an important need. Purpose. In this research, it was aimed to understand and explain the school administration process and the problems encountered within the process in public preschools located in central districts of Mersin from the views of administrators. Method. There were 9 public preschools located in central district of Mersin during 2006-2007 academic year. In order to determine the scope of the interview form, preliminary observations and interviews were carried out in two of these schools. Then to test the clarity of the form, a pilot interview with one of the school principals was carried out. A final interview form with 22 questions was formed. The data was collected through approximately 90 minutes interviews with 6 preschool principals. Data were content analyzed in order to describe how the school management processes worked in preschools, and the problems encountered. Findings and conclusions. The results of the study revealed that there are four basic planning issues for preschools which can be named as planning of “education”, “the relations with families”, “student affairs” and “budget”. Additionally it was found that decisions related to the planning issues were taken through various meetings. Registration of students according to school quotas, financial problems and insufficiency of the budget for the expenditures were the problems that preschool principals highlighted related to planning process. School principals stated that decision making took place both through the “group discussion” and “individual decision making” processes. The committees and meetings have an important role in group decision making processes. Decisions taken in the public preschools are adopted either through the commissions and meetings or by administrators and teachers individually. The biggest problem faced during decision making process is the exclusion of master trainers and supportive personnel since the existing regulations describe the framework of the meetings in this way. It was found that meetings were the main tools for within school coordination and the general management of school. The management of budget, selection of students and celebrations for significant days and weeks on the other hand were planned and implemented through the commissions. All school principals declared that they were in cooperation with various groups and institutions which constituted their school environment such as families, experts, higher institutions, other preschools, other public preschools and other educational institutions. The most intense problem faced in the coordination with the families was mentioned as the conflict between aims of the school and expectations of the families. Findings related to the communication process in public preschools were grouped under two categories; “Process of within school communication” and “communication between school and its environment”. It is possible to say that there is a positive communication atmosphere in preschools which reflected in the present study. It was also stated that, schools were in continuous communication with families, higher institutions and other public preschools. All school directors stated that the biggest problem with the families is related to their attitudes when they are told about misbehaviors of their children. Another problematic area is related to defensive attitudes in communication process with other preschool principals. An important finding about evaluation process pointed out the necessity of supervisors specialized in preschool education, as there is no specialization on preschool education within the current inspection system. Analyses of the data reveal that each administrative process can directly affect the other processes. For example, meetings and commissions are effective both for the planning process and the decision making process. These applications also have an important role for the coordination process. Communication atmosphere, on the other hand, may result in effective within school coordination. Presence of mutual relationships between administrative processes reminds us the necessity of thinking school management as a whole.