International Journal of Islamic Thought


Derginin Adı: International Journal of Islamic Thought
Dergi Kayıt Tarihi: 18.04.2013
Dergi Hakkında: The INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT (IJIT) is an international refereed online journal jointly published by the International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians (ISOMPT) and the Department of Theology and Philosophy, National University of Malaysia. The mission of IJIT is to encourage scholarly research in Islamic thought. The Journal welcomes research papers as well as review articles and conference reports. IJIT is published in June and December annually. The Journal has an international advisory board. The international perspective is also reflected by the journal's trilingual approach: IJIT welcomes papers in English, Arabic and Malay. The articles can be from any of the following areas: Muslim Theology and Philosophy, Muslim Ethics and Moral, Islam and Arts, al-Quran and al-Hadith, Anthropology Economics, Political Issues, Gender, Law, Psychology, Spirituality, Religions, Language and Civilization, Sociology, Environmental Issues, Culture, Education, Human Rights, Middle Eastern Studies and Contemporary Issues.
ISSN: 2232-1314
Dergi Dili: English,Arabic,Malay

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