Arama Paneli
1 adet dergi bulundu.
Derginin Adı : Al Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah (Journal of Islamic Economics)
ISSN : 2087-135X
DergininWebsitesi :
Dergi Hakkında : Al-IQTISHAD : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah (Journal of Islamic Economics). The Journal is published by Faculty of Shariah and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in cooperation with The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economist. This journal focused on Islamic Economics and Finance studies. The Journal is published twice a year on January and July. The aim of the journal is to disseminate the Islamic economics and finance researches done by researchers both from Indonesian and overseas
Dergi Kayıt Tarihi: 18.03.2016