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Ihlara Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi
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Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation
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Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation
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The Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation is an international, specialized and peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original contributions in relevant areas.
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Dergi Sayıları
Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Semi-Analytical Method Based on Magnetic Equivalent Circuit...
Analysis of the Electromagnetic Interferences between Overh...
Simulation of Photovoltaic generator Connected To a Grid
Performances d’une centrale à concentrateur de Fresnel de m...
Diagnostic des défauts à base d’observateur dans un système...
Improved incremental conductance method for maximum power p...
Commande Vectorielle Sans Capteur d’un Moteur Asynchrone As...
Transformer core modeling for magnetizing inrush current in...
Etude comparative des techniques de filtrage actif sélectif...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/2
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Mécanismes d'écoulement des charges à la surface des polymè...
Réduction des perturbation électromagnétique conduites dans...
Etude CEM sur le Couplage du Champ Electromagnétique Rayonn...
Semigroup's Approach to the Study of the Hölder Continuous ...
Static and dynamic behavior of piezoelectric beams.Elastic ...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Artificial neural Network-Based modeling and monitoring of ...
Gestion de l'énergie d'un système hybride pile à combustibl...
Calcul des pertes par courants de Foucault dans les APs en ...
Implémentation d'un estimateur de la pose d'un robot mobile...
An improved parallel observer of speed and stator resistanc...
Type-2 fuzzy logic control for a mobile robot tracking a mo...
Damage localisation in beam-like structures using high-orde...
Simulation numérique du transfert de chaleur dans un moteur...
Convection mixte lors de l'écoulement d'un fluide de Bingha...
Assessment of Gravity Anomaly Surfaces (DTU10, EGM2008 and ...
Optimisation des propriétés pharmacologiques des substances...
Analytical evaluation of criticality in RZ9 reactor
Identification de modèle ARMA à sortie quantifiée par la mé...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Ensemble classi cation methods for autism disordered speech
Electromagnetic Comparison of 3-, 5- and 7-phases Permanent...
Elimination of Harmonics in Modi ed 5-Level CHB Inverter Us...
On-line trajectory planning of time-jerk optimal for roboti...
The prediction of the surface quality based on the stabilit...
On Some Fractional Integral Inequalities Involving Generali...
A problem of spherical cavity in an in nite generalized the...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2018/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Rayleigh waves in elastic medium with double porosity
Design of automotive engine coolant hoses
Transient analysis of nonolocal microstretch thermoelastic ...
On some generalized integral inequalities for Hadamard frac...
On solvability of mixed boundary value problem for Laplace ...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/2
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
A new hybrid optimization algorithm CRO-DE for optimal coor...
High performance fuzzy sliding mode control of DFIG supplie...
Thermo-mechanical analysis of the pressure plate of clutch
Simulation, hardware implementation and control of a multil...
HF Parameters of Induction Motor
On three phase lags thermodi¤usion theory in micropolar por...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2019/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
On open problems concerning Riemann-Liouville fractional in...
Efficient Absolute Difference Circuit for SAD computation o...
Experimental potential of exploiting PEMFC's waste heat usi...
Efficient Crossbar Switch Design For NOC
Existence of solutions for hybrid Caputo fractional q- diff...
The New Gravimetric Network of The Upper Chelif Basin
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Quasi-static indentation modelling of aluminium specimen us...
Short notes on electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs)...
Time-fractional heat conduction law in a magneto-thermoelas...
An innovative simulation tool for waste to energy generatio...
Numerical treatment of a nonlinear hyperbolic equation
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/2
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Electromagnetic characterization and modelling of supercond...
Product of Likelihood Ratio Scores Fusion of Dynamic Face, ...
Fatigue Life Prediction of Package of Suspension Automotive...
Reduction of hot points formation in a heat tube bundle exc...
New exact bound states solutions for (C.F.P.S.) potential i...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Application of Cat Swarm Optimization in testing Static Loa...
The Impact of TCSC on IDMT Relays in SLG Fault in Distribut...
Performance evaluation of a wiener model predictive control...
Design and analysis of gasket cutting machine
Bang-Bang Control Applied on an HIV-1 within host Model
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2018/2
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
A Sliding Mode Observer Based Sensorless Vector Control of ...
Evaluation of Distribution System Reliability in the presen...
Optimal Design of Multi-phases Permanent-Magnet Synchronous...
Existence results for a coupled system of fractional di¤ere...
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