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Mevlana International Journal of Education
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Mevlana International Journal of Education
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Mevlana International Journal of Education
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/3
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Use of Literature to Enhance Motivation in ELT Classes
A comparative study of social network usage and adoption am...
Metaphorical Perceptions of Teacher Candidates towards the ...
Development of an internet-based exam system for mobile env...
The Effect of 2011 Van Earthquake on 8th Grade Students' Va...
Evaluation of the Standards for Recruiting and Training Ele...
The Utilization of Social Media Tools for Informal Learning...
The teacher student relationship as a predictor of preschoo...
Assessing the oral English proficiency of the Faculty of Fo...
Application of the Six Thinking Hats and SCAMPER Techniques...
The Effects of Teachers’ Educational Technology Skills on T...
The effect of the classroom activities on classroom managem...
School Policies and Practices at Upper Secondary Schools in...
Stress Coping Approaches in Terms of Sociotropic and Autono...
Validity and Reliability Study of the Internet Addiction Te...
Assessing Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategy Use f...
Evaluation of Alternative Preschool Education Programs Rega...
Exploring the Turkish Teachers’ Professional Development Ex...
The Impact of Mnemonic Devices on Attainment and Recall in ...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/4
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Geographic literacy perception scale (GLPS) validity and re...
What they think about democracy? sample of 8th grade Americ...
A validity and reliability study of the Attitude Scale of C...
The effectiveness of computer assisted instruction on vocab...
An Investigation of Science Active Learning Strategy Use in...
Investigating the Reasons Institutions of Higher Education ...
The Attitudes of Primary School Pre-Service Teachers toward...
High School Students’ Stereotypic Images of Scientists in S...
Clustering Analysis of Students’ Attitudes Regarding Distan...
Geography Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Geotourism
Preservice Teachers’ Preferences About Instructor Gender
Classroom Emotions Scale For Elementary School Students (Ce...
General Behaviours of Students with Poor Listening Skills o...
Factors Influencing Assessment Practices among University A...
Exploring Internet Addiction, Academic Procrastination and ...
Computer versus Paper-Based Reading: A Case Study in Englis...
The Relationship Between the Achievement Goal Orientation a...
The Views of Students and Teachers about using Fun-based Vi...
The Use of Blogs in Learning English as a Foreign Language
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/3
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
TOJDE: Electronic Publishing and a Review of Ten Years’ Exp...
Students’ Opinions about Virtual Science and Technology Mus...
Effect of Computer Animation Technique on Students' Compreh...
Approaches of elementary school students towards the lesson...
Teachers’ Mental/Metaphorical Perceptions to Education Insp...
English language proficiency and employment: A case study o...
Factor-Based Student Rating in Academic Performance in Sout...
Academic Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Teacher Candidates
Effects of Brain-Based Learning Approach on Students’ Motiv...
The Effectiveness Level of School Administrator’s Coaching ...
Achievement Motivations of the Students Studying at Compute...
Overview of the Visual Arts Curriculum, and Its Relationshi...
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
School Learning Responsibility Scale’s Validity and Reliabi...
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Learning Outcomes as understood by ‘Publishing Research’ fa...
Evaluating the Social Science Textbook (1st grade of guidan...
Using Two-Tier Test to Identify Primary Students’ Conceptua...
Gender differences in Korean high school students’ science ...
Effect of the blended learning environment and the applicat...
The Effect of Text Types on Reading Comprehension
Experience of Elementary School Students with the Use of We...
The views of science and technology teachers about computer...
The levels of the 7th year student’s perception of relative...
A New Approach in Teaching the Features and Classifications...
Demystifying Mixed Methods Research Design: A Review of the...
Examining Perceived Family Support and Family Environment u...
Effects of reading-writing-application and learning togethe...
Relationship between Teacher Candidates’ Literacy of Scienc...
The Attitudes of Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers’ towar...
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Development of ideas in a GeoGebra – aided mathematics inst...
Dynamic and Interactive Mathematics Learning Environments: ...
Geocadabra Construction Box: A dynamic geometry interface w...
Is proving a visual act?
Fostering Middle School Students’ Relational Thinking of th...
Geometrical Constructions in Dynamic and Interactive Mathem...
GeoGebra in Professional Development: The Experience of Rur...
Introducing parameters of linear function at undergraduate ...
The effect of Dynamic and Interactive Mathematics Learning ...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/5
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Examination The Effect of Values Education Which is Given A...
According to the Opinions of Teachers and Students Active C...
The View of Teachers of First Graders Regarding Scheduling ...
The Relationship among Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Co...
Effect of Seniority on Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship...
Reality therapy oriented intervention program for cyberbull...
Formative Assessment, Teacher-directed Instruction and Teac...
Student Attitudes Towards Change From Ability Grouping To H...
Mathematical Language Used in the Teaching of Three Dimensi...
A Philosophical Analysis On The Relationship Between The Pr...
Evaluating the Teacher’s Guides of a Recently Published Cou...
Short Turkish Version of Proactive Scale: A Study of Validi...
A Brief Review of Literature on Using Technology to Help La...
The Effect of Drama in Education on Language and Communicat...
Creativity And Sense Of Humor Of Elementary School Principa...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
An examination of Preservice Science Teachers’ views relate...
Change initiatives in English in action intervened primary ...
Pathways to cultural rapprochement in schools: becoming a ...
The Role of Needs Analysis in Language Program Renewal Proc...
Assessment of professional teaching knowledge courses taugh...
Analysis of PISA 2009 Exam according to some variables
The examination of the Public Personnel Selection Examinati...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2011/1
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
School choice – as if learners matter: black African learne...
The acquisition levels of the responsibility projected in p...
Investigation of the impacts of physical environment on tea...
Support services within inclusive education in Gauteng: The...
The effects of some values on the pre-service teachers’ att...
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Academic probation and companioning: Three perspectives on ...
Critical friendship in international education reform: a jo...
Interactive effect of co-operative learning model and learn...
Approaches to learning and academic performance of Turkish ...
Misconception, cognitive conflict and conceptual changes in...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/2
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Letter as a Writing to Learn Activity and the Addressee
Instructors’ practice level of Chickering and Gamson learni...
Impact of Blended Learning Environments Based on Algo-Heuri...
Understanding a Primary School Teacher's Life and Her Schoo...
Achievement Gaps Between Different School Types and Regions...
The Examination of Pre-school Teacher Candidates’ Academic ...
Who helps an online facilitator to learn with students in a...
The development of a scale of attitudes toward tablet pc
Teaching Methods and Techniques Used By Teaching Staff duri...
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Science as a process of inquiry and science inquiry through...
Discourse, argumentation, and science lessons: match or mis...
Exploring changes found in lab reports of pre-service scien...
The Discourse of Argumentation
Supporting Students’ Interest through Inquiry-Based Learnin...
Enhancing the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Teachers by ...
Providing a Rationale for Promoting Argument-Based Inquiry ...
Overview of Obstacles in the Implementation of the Argument...
Eliciting Secondary Education Pupils’ Views on Euthanasia T...
<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/4
<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Perceived Social Support from Family, Participation in Recr...
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