International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research


Derginin Adı: International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research
Dergi Kayıt Tarihi: 3.12.2015
Dergi Hakkında: Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi orijinal araştırma makalelerini yayınlayan hakemli online bir dergidir. IJSSER Sosyal Bilimler ve Eğitim Araştırmaları ile ilgili uygulamalar, yaklaşımlar, araştırma çalışmaları, önemli konularda kritik yorumlar, yeni teknolojilerin ve araçların geliştirilmesini içeren akademik ve bilimsel içeriğe sahip İngilizce veya Türkçe hazırlanmış her türlü makaleyi kabul etmektedir.
ISSN: 2149-5939
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Collapse International Journal of Social Sciences and Education ResearchInternational Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2
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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/1<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/1
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Examination of burnout level of academics in terms of demog...
The application of a personal identification database and r...
Violence not on body but through body-image: Mark Ravenhill...
Non-retroactivity of administrative transactions
Criminal liability of legal entities in the legislation of ...
The effect of word of mouth marketing to select a financial...
Modelling consumer behaviour for remanufactured products
Torture, violence and apartheid in André P. Brink’s A Dry W...
Examination of the misconceptions that occur in students in...
On the other opportunities identities to live together: The...
Place of interpersonal communication in the instant messagi...
Students’ views towards the reason why Mathematics ıs hardl...
Analysis of the relationship between the self-assessment an...
The opinions of parents who have children between the ages ...
The fiscal deficits between 2000 and 2014 and their macroec...
Bible reflections on Venedict Yerofeyev’s work from Moscow ...
Financial ratios effects on the companies’ grouping financi...
The learning styles of the students at nursing Department i...
Detection of similarity rate of compiler independent text b...
Reflexion of the archetype concept in Carl Gustav Jung’s th...
Facebook and the being liked motive
The opinions of school principals regarding the criteria of...
Tax treatments in the Middle East civilizations
Determination of distinctive elements of job satisfaction l...
Labor features with classical heritage relations of the sta...
War and men on the novel of Konstantin Vorobyov named “Slai...
Discussions of “Presidential System” in Turkish printed med...
Communication skills levels of Karabük University School of...
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Role of immigration in the formation of Georgian population
The evaluation of higher education financing in the context...
Social media use of municipalities: An investigation Burdur...
Digital diplomacy-perspectives and impact on traditional di...
Whistleblowing behavior in organizations and work morality ...
The effects of Iran’s armament on the Middle East Region af...
Europeanization of Union Rights: A comparative analysis bet...
9th and 10th graders metaphorical perceptions about English...
Marketing of public service evaluates with happiness of emp...
Supervision and power relationship’s construction in cinema...
Pre-service mathematics teachers’ self-evaluation in mathem...
Investigation of mathematics teacher candidates’ learning o...
The effect of promotional activities on private hospitals' ...
A research on leadership traits of Dada Gorgud stories
Relationship of inertia statuses of healthcare professional...
An analysis on the spheres of influence of high-intensity i...
Investigation of the efficiency of “We Are Learning About t...
Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude as a...
Being highly skilled Russian migrant in Turkey
Gazi News System (GNS)
Designing a relational database to alleviate the impacts of...
Effects of Zero Moment of Truth on consumer buying decision...
The survey of the social self-efficacy and problem solving ...
Some teeth and skeletons anomalies reflected social-cultura...
A study of the reliability levels of the Faculty of Communi...
Financing vocational education
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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2
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Corporate personality perspective in corporate reputation m...
An empirical study of searching for scholarships and jobs t...
Readiness and misconceptions of high school students in lea...
Modeling student cohesiveness by waving the sociometric tes...
A study for the evaluation of entrepreneurship level of fou...
Investigation of nanotechnology awareness, interests and at...
Analysis of productivity of leader companies in the world a...
The children participated with social adjustment disorders ...
Different aspects of melancholy in the museum of innocence
Marketing of public service evaluates with happiness of emp...
Virtue ethics and its pedagogic implications
A study to examine the health interest level of fast food c...
Croatian academics’ attitudes on the importance of academic...
Marketing of public service evaluates with happiness of emp...
Determination of the values attributed to the exhausted and...
The short storytelling of Anton Chekhov
Advertisements and its impacts on children in the context o...
The process of musical hearing
Development Agencies: A case study of Ankara Development Ag...
The effect of birth order on attachment style according to ...
Impact of family and surroundings, over-all economic outloo...
Developing an attitude scale towards private schools: A val...
Problems that students faced in Turkey and school social wo...
The death of the stereotype: Reclaim of self in Angela Cart...
Turkey Ambassador of Rudolf Nadolny
Content marketing on the increase of value and confidence n...
A proposal of the structural equation model for review of t...
Implementation of productivity card in productivity evaluat...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/1<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/1
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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2
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Adapting WIOD tables to national IO Tables for Turkey
Fiscal rule applications in Turkey
Violence and melancholia: The story of melancholic “Butterf...
The reality of demonstrable violence
Evaluation of using book and student’s workbooks used in sc...
Same-sex marriage in US and European Court of Human Rights ...
Measuring university students’ awareness of finding jobs th...
Statements from teacher training-starts of one’s career: A ...
Analysis of factors affecting households’ fish consumption ...
A panoramic overview from Turkey on the Islamic case in Eur...
The evaluation of political communication strategies in soc...
The children participated with social adjustment disorders ...
The linguistic analysis of Turkish novels’ Blurbs: A genre ...
AHI Community as a solution for social policy problems
Measurement of the impact of the personality types against ...
The hopelessness level of Vocational Schools’ students
A research to determine the impact of the political marketi...
Cyber loafing with its conceptual aspects
Competitiveness in the company level and the example of Güb...
A study on job finding opportunities of vocational school s...
An investigation into the discipline approaches of school a...
Investigation effect of moderator role of using social medi...
Barriers to innovation in Morocco: The Case of Tangier & Te...
The role of woman in Turkish economy with feminist economic...
Determination of perceptions of Science High School student...
The impact of peer education and play activities aggressive...
Domestic violence and protection mechanisms: An example fro...
Behaviours of teachers that arouse violence in students: Im...
Social security right of working women
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/1<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/1
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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/2
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