

Derginin Adı: iojes
Dergi Kayıt Tarihi: 18.01.2011
Dergi Hakkında: IOJES is an international, peer-reviewed, non-profit, professional scientific journal. IOJES is a journal that accepts manuscripts related to educational sciences. The journal is published online three times in a year. The article being submitted should be either in Turkish or English. IOJES publishes research employing a variety of qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in all areas of the education field. IOJES welcomes articles from different institutions and countries.
ISSN: 1309-2707
Dergi Dili: Türkçe

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Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2009/1<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2009/1
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Otistik Çocuğa Sahip Annelerin Çocuklarının Devam Ettiği ...
Üstün Yetenekli Öğrencilerde Başarı Düşüklüğünü Önlemek İçi...
Bilgisayar Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim...
Proje Tabanlı Öğretim Yönteminin Öğrencilerin Elektrik Konu...
Müfettişlerin Rehberlik Rollerini Rehber Öğretmenler Değerl...
Quality of Teaching Faculty in Public Sector Universities o...
Avrupa Birliği Eğitim Politikaları ve Türkiyenin Bu Politik...
Öğretmen Adaylarinin Çok Kültürlü Eğitime Yönelik Kişilik...
Proje Tabanlı Öğrenmede Çoklu Zekâ Yaklaşımının Matematik Ö...
Professional Development for Teacher Educators to Help them...
Çoklu Aracı Mimariler ile Dağıtık Yapay Zekâ Tekniklerinin ...
Ortaöğretim Öğretmenlerinde Mobbing: Cinsiyet Yaş ve Lise T...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2010/2<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2010/2
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Empowerment or Disempowerment: That is the Question (Engl...
A General Look at the History of Geography Education in t...
Investigation of Teachers’ Computer Usage Profiles and At...
The Effect of the Virtual Laboratory on Students’ Achieveme...
A Qualitative Study of Academicians’ Views on Performance...
Educational Equity and Access as Universal Human Rights: ...
Reliability and Validity of the Teacher Rating Scale of Sch...
Application and Evaluation of Ecological Footprint as an En...
Teacher Opinions Concerning Development of Critical Thinkin...
Science Education beyond the Classroom: A Field Trip to W...
Writing Anxiety of Turkish Students: Scale Development and ...
Organizational Learning in the Higher Education Institution...
Determining the Learning Styles of Elementary School (1st...
Attitudes of Primary and Social Studies Teacher’ Candidates...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Science Projects: Indicators of Teachers’ Feedback on Use o...
Justifications of Educational Reforms in Norway (ca 1965-19...
The Relation among Candidate Teachers' Computer Self-Effica...
The Effect of Problem Posing Approach to the Gifted Student...
A Study to Evaluate the Availability and Utilization of Phy...
Self-compassion and Loneliness
Pathways to Emotional Well-Being and Adjustment in Adolesce...
The Rise of English Teaching in Turkish Curriculum
Environmental Literacy and Evaluation of Studies Conducted ...
Investigation of the Effectivnes of Social Skills Training ...
Geography Teacher Candidates’ Views about Environment Probl...
The Relationship between Meta-Cognitive Learning Strategies...
Determining the Critical Thinking Levels of Student Teacher...
Literary Texts as Teaching Tools and an Investigate on “Bil...
Using the Brief Experimental Analysis to Determine the Effe...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Good Fences Make Good Classes: Greek Tertiary Students’ Pre...
Creative Mathematics for All? A Survey of Preservice Teache...
Ten Lies, Half-Truths and Prejudices of the Israeli Educati...
Teaching Practice: Problems and Issues in Pakistan
How Portfolio Use Affects Students’ Learning and Their Atti...
Opinions of Teachers and Administrators Towards The Impleme...
Dysfunctional Attitudes of University Students
An Investigation of the Relationship between Shyness and Lo...
First Rank Concept at University Entrance Examination and G...
The Analysis of Relationship between School Bullying and Se...
The Usage Potential of Social Network Sites for Educational...
The Effect of 5E Learning Model on Pre-Service Science Teac...
The Effect of Activity Based Instruction Approach on Studen...
The Examination Emphatic Skills of the Elementary and Middl...
Hydrological Cycle through Spiral Curriculum Model in Scien...
The Analysis of Geography Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions t...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/6<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/6
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Philosophical Change in Education: A Desired Primary School...
Comparing Political Skills in terms of Personality Types: A...
The Psychometric Properties of the Technological Pedagogica...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2011/3<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2011/3
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
The Teacher Educators and Leaders as Agents of Change in a ...
Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Team Performance in Hig...
First Year Students' Engagement at the University
Attitude of Prospective Teachers’ Towards Violence
Developing Intercultural Understanding in Teacher Education...
Quality of Education in Rural Schools: A Needs Assessment S...
A Comparative Study on Perception of Teachers on the Use of...
Internet Addiction and Depression, Anxiety and Stress
Organizational Climate of Fırat University
Assessing Environmental Educational Needs of Urban Co-counc...
Relationships of High School Sdutent’ Subjective Well-Being...
Turkish Language Teaching Students’ Attitudes towards Teach...
The Investigation of Psychology, Psychological Counseling a...
A Study on Pre-service English Teachers’ Self - efficacy Be...
The Problems Teachers Encountered During the Candidacy Proc...
Comparison of Teacher Candidate’sThinking Styles According...
The Effect of the 2005 Science and Technology Curriculum on...
The Effect of Anger Management Training on Anger Coping and...
Past And Present Of Ahilik (Denizli Sample)
The Altitude of Students in Geography Teacher Departments t...
Çevre Okuryazarlığı ve Çevre Okuryazarlığı İle İlgili Türki...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Pedagogical Competences – The Key to Efficient Education
Does Peer Influence Affect Students Participation in Mathem...
The Performance of Mantel-Haenszel Procedures in the Identi...
Diagnosing Learning Difficulties Related to the Equation an...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Providence And Futures Study: A Approach To Curriculum Deve...
Problematic Internet Use And Cyber Bullying İn Vocational S...
Preschool Teacher Candidates’ Sensitivities And Attitudes T...
Prospective Teacher’s Metaphoric Perceptions On Test Concep...
Tangible Experiences-based Individual Differences Training ...
A Metaphorical Study: Efl Teachers' Concepts Of "standard",...
Primary School Teachers’ Views on Compulsory Education (4+4...
Self-control/management And Internet Addiction
Students’ Content Responsibility In Content Based Instructi...
The Relationships Between Attitudes Towards İnstrumental Pr...
Students’ Value Orientations School Of Physical Education A...
Examining Science Teacher Candidates’ Entrepreneurial Chara...
Examining Science Teacher Candidates’ Entrepreneurial Chara...
Sociolinguistic Factors For The Speaking Skills Of Foreigne...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2011/3<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2011/3
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme Yönteminde MOODLE Öğrenme Yönetim S...
Fen Bilgisi Öğretmen Adaylarının Bazı Değişkenlere Göre Öz ...
Siber Zorbalığın ve Mağduriyetin Bir Yordayıcısı Olarak İli...
Birleştirilmiş Sınıf Uygulamasına Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış...
Kafkas Üniversitesi Öğretmen Adaylarının Çevre Sorunlarına ...
Okuryazarlık Kültürü ve Değişen Okuryazarlık Türleri
Kendini Sabotaj: Kavramsal Bir Analiz
Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel Araştırmalara Yönelik Tutumla...
Çoklu Zekâ Kuramına Göre Tasarlanan Öğrenme Ortamında Gerçe...
Fizik Öğretmen Adaylarının Epistemolojik Görüşleri
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Do Women Principals Really Face With Barriers in Schools? C...
Behavioral Regulations: What is Physical Education Role in ...
Student Opinions about Learning Primary 7th Grade Geometry ...
“Mind Maps” in the Metaphors of Geography Teacher Candidate...
Evaluation of Number Sense on the Subject of Decimal Number...
A Perspective on a Framework for Reforming Urban Schools in...
The Effect of Locus of Control and Culture on Leader Prefer...
Primary School Education Pre-Service Teachers’ Views about ...
Pre-service Teachers’ Leisure Preferences: A Model Analysis
Students’ Perceptions of their Teachers’ Teaching of Mathem...
Adaptation of Mountain Shadows Phonological Awareness Scale...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 5<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 5
Why do Larks Perform Better at School than Owls? The Mediat...
Morning-Evening Types in Kindergarten, Time-of-Day and Perf...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Teaching the Subject ‚Sets‛ with the ‘Dissociation and Re-A...
Hidden Curriculum Contributing to Social Production-Reprodu...
A Study on Quality Assurance Activities in Higher Education...
Biology Self Efficacy Beliefs of the Students Studying in t...
Leadership Readiness among Prospective School Leaders in Jo...
The Influence of Demographic Profiles on Emotional Intellig...
Are Creative EFL Teachers Born or Can They Be Grown? Some R...
Self-Efficacy and Critical Thinking Dispositions as Predict...
Investigating Assessment Practices of In-service Teachers
Academic Self-Concept and Academic Achievement among Univer...
The Example of a Study of Socio-Cultural Education at the E...
Usage Status of Methods that Enhance Reflective Thinking in...
Teacher Candidates’ Strategies for Coping with Stress
Sosyal Bilgiler Derslerindeki Müzeyle Eğitim Uygulamalarını...
SBS Türkçe Testlerindeki Görselleri İçeren Soruların İncele...
Türkçe Öğretmen Adaylarının Yetizleme Çalışmalarıyla Oluştu...
Öğretim Elemanlarının Örgütsel Sinizm İle Örgütsel Bağlılık...
Geçmişten Günümüze Türk Milli Eğitim Şuralarındaki Psikoloj...
Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Eğlence ve İletişim Amaçlı Intern...
21. Yüzyıl Öğretmenleri için Web 2.0 Araçları
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/6<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/6
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
The Examination of The Assertiveness Levels and Self-Respec...
Relationship between Learning Organization and Job Satisfac...
Teacher Candidates' Level of Concerns about Environment
Distinctive Characteristics of Flourishing, Self-Esteem, an...
The Differences in Senior Turkish Pre-service Elementary Sc...
Assessment of Metacognition in Mathematics: Which One of Tw...
Analyzing Disciplinary Punishments in High Schools in terms...
Examination of High School Students’ Learned Resourcefulnes...
The Adaptation Study of the School Quality Management Cultu...
Predictors of Approach/Avoidance Achievement Goals: Persona...
Self-Compassion as a Predictor of Proactivity
An Attitude Scale about Graduate Education: Reliability and...
School Children's Happiness Inventory: The Validity and Rel...
Discourse Analysis of the Arguments Developed in Model Rock...
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Levels and ...
The Research of Acquisition Levels of Concepts Regarding So...
Administrative and Cultural Values Adopted by Primary Schoo...
The Issue of Epistemology in Context of Pragmatists Philoso...
Skill Education in Turkish Language Teaching: Gradual Relea...
Knowledge and Opinions of Teacher Candidates about Energy a...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Pro...
Examining Relationships between School Administrators’ Humo...
Work Related Behaviors and Experience Patterns of Physical ...
Comparison of Different Roles that Teachers give to Technol...
An Investigation of the Relationships between Metacognition...
Teacher Absenteeism in Turkish Primary Schools: A Qualitati...
The Relationship between Mathematics Teachers’ Democratic B...
The Effect of Study Process Approaches and Learning Modalit...
Investigation of Preschool Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes To...
Analyzing Pre-service Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Skills ...
Development of Mathematics Achievement Goal Orientation Sca...
The Concept of Violence in terms of 100 Basic Works that ar...
Teaching Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Social Studies...
A Qualitative Study Concerning the 6th Grade Students’ Conc...
Restructuring of Basic Education in Turkey and Social Studi...
Socioeconomic Factors of Students’ Relation to Mathematic A...
Measurement and Evaluation Methods for Academic Progress: A...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Integrating Technologically-Enhanced Self-Regulated Strateg...
Relationship between Cognitive Intelligence, Emotional Inte...
Inclusion of newspapers in social studies for gifted studen...
How do Prospective Teachers Solve Routine and Non-Routine T...
8th Grade Mathematics Subjects within the Scope of TIMSS: T...
Effects of Variables about Reading-Writing Frequency on the...
The Relationships between Organizational Climate, Innovativ...
Investigation of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitmen...
A Study of Print Awareness in Preschool Children in Terms o...
Examination of Social Comparison Levels of Secondary and Hi...
Multiculturality Attitude Scale: A Sample from Turkey
Analyzing of Problem Posing Abilities of Preservice Middle ...
Mersin University Prospective Teachers’ Opinions Relating t...
Utilization of Flow Maps in the Determination of Cognitive ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Examining the Relationship of Social Skills, Problem Solvin...
Developing the Rubric for Evaluating Problem Posing (REPP)
Analysis of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme u...
Gratitude, Forgiveness and Humility as Predictors of Subjec...
The Relationship between Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and Ra...
The Parent Involvement in Students’ Home Based Science Lear...
A Research On The Method And Analysis Techniques Of The Pos...
Interactive Whiteboard-based Atm Use Training For Older Ind...
Social Studies Education İn Turkey And Islam
An Ethnographic Investigation of Activity Modifications in ...
Metaphorıcal Perceptıons Of Geometrıcal Concepts By Seconda...
Values That Faculty Members Want Students To Have
Pre-Service Pre-School Teachers’ Perceptions of Science and...
Preservice Teachers’ Views on Challenges of Piano Training
The Thinking Styles of Secondary School 7th Grade Students ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Assessment Practices among Secondary Physical Education Tea...
Students’ Intentions to Persist in, Versus Dropout of High ...
Empirical Investigation of the Stability of IRT Item-Parame...
A Writing Self-Efficacy Scale for Non-Native Students of Tu...
The Analyze of Teachers’ Responsibility Beliefs for Student...
Embedded Rules in Sociodramatic Plays: To Determine the App...
Teaching the Mighty Culture: Made by Us & Maker of Us
The Psychometric Properties of the Writing Motivation Scale
Integrating Writing into Mathematics Classroom to Increase ...
The Views of Primary School Mathematics Teachers about Math...
The Latest State of the First Grade of Elementary School Te...
An Investigation of Pre-service Primary Mathematics Teacher...
Nursing Student’s View about Distance Education
The Degree of Relationship between the Secondary Education ...
Investigation of Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards...
Turkish Literature Education through the Facebook
Ahmed Hikmet Müftüoğlu and History of Turkish Education in ...
Visual Material Effect on Academic Achievement, Creative Th...
A Qualitative Study for Improving the Quality of Teacher Ed...
According to the Students’ Perceptions the Levels of Academ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
An inquiry into leadership capacity: The case of Turkish pr...
Investigating the Mental Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers ...
Construct Validity of TIMSS 2011 Mathematics Cognitive Doma...
The Prediction of Decision Self Esteem and Decision Making ...
Evaluation of Experiments Conducted about 5E Learning Cycle...
Effects of the Cognitive Development Method on the Cognitiv...
Personal Self-Concept as Mediator and Moderator of the Rela...
Do School Experiences Predict Life Satisfaction in Turkish ...
The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction on Achievement ...
An Exploration of Student Attitudes towards Online Communic...
Relationship between Supervisors’ Loneliness at Work and Th...
The Turkish version of the Social Vulnerability Scale: The ...
Oral Tradition and Values Education: A Case Study Dede Kork...
Evaluation of Turkish 1st Class Textbook in Term of Image-T...
Teacher’s Professional Perception as a Predictor of Teacher...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Defining Innovation Literacy: Do Robotics Programs Help Stu...
Differences between Turkey and Finland based on Eight Laten...
User Acceptance of Key Performance Indicators Management Sy...
Reading Habit and Attitude among Malaysian Polytechnic Stud...
Evaluation of Primary School Teachers' Technological Self-E...
Determining the Level of Familiarity and the Use of Course ...
An Investigation of the Perceptions of Early Career Academi...
The Examination of the Burnout Levels of Psychological Coun...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Designing Science Instruction Based On Creative Drama: The ...
Longitudinal Analysis of T-STEM Academies: How Do Texas Inc...
Understanding Parents’ Perceptions of Communication Technol...
Pre-service Teachers' Classroom Management Beliefs
Metaphorical Analysis Of Teacher Trainers’ Conceptualizatio...
Invariance Of Scores From Student Evaluation Of Teaching Fo...
The Variation İn Turkish Students’ Reading Skills Based On ...
A New Endeavour Of Teaching Classics
Being A Teenage Mother With A Mild Disability: Experiences ...
The Examination of the Secondary School Students’ Levels of...
Researchıng Effects Of Coordınatıon And Physıcal Educatıon ...
University-school Collaboration Reflections 1: Integrating ...
The Problems That Social Studies Teachers Encounter in Lear...
Perceptions Of Social Studies Preservice Teachers Related T...
Opinions of School Administrators about the Oral Exam Carri...
Adaptation of Perceived Self-Regulatory Efficacy Scale for ...
The Investigation of Mental Health Problems and Social Phob...
Comparison Of Various Methods Used İn Solving Missing Data ...
Examination Of The Relationships Among Organizational Commi...
Special Field Competence Levels Of Class Teachers
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/9<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2017/9
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
The Factors Being Not “Proper For Child” in the Stories of ...
An Analysis of Candidate Teachers’ Scientific Epistemologic...
The Investigation of Preparatory School Students’ Attitudes...
Mathematical Reasoning Skills of 7th Grade Students
Metaphors of Blended Learning’ Students Regarding the Conce...
Emotion Management Behaviors of Administrators in Terms of ...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Okul Yöneticilerine Aşağıdan Yukarı Doğru Uygulanan Yıldırm...
Yenilgi Ölçeğinin Türkçe Formunun Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Ça...
Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğrenme Stilleri ve Öğretmen Öz-Yeterl...
Bağımsız Anaokulu Öğretmenlerinin İl Eğitim Denetmenlerinin...
Matematik Bölümü Öğrencilerinin İspat Yapma ile ilgili Algı...
Öğretmen Adaylarının Kesirlerle İlgili Pedagojik Alan Bilgi...
Virüs Nedir? Biyoloji Öğretmen Adaylarının Virüs Konusundak...
Eğitim Süreçlerinde Cinsiyet Ayrımcılığı: Öğrencilik Deneyi...
Okul Yönetici ve Öğretmenlerinin Damgalama (Stigma) Eğiliml...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/6<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2014/6
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Same Performance but Different Perception: Female Stereotyp...
The Effect of Teaching Practice Conducted by Using Metacogn...
Comparison of Reading Comprehension with respect to Text Ty...
Language Use of Turkish Speaking Communities in the United ...
The Opinions of Students toward Curriculum of Distance Educ...
The Components of Effective Professional Development Activi...
Investigation of Cultural Elements in Coursebooks Developed...
Musical Performance Anxiety: Relations between Personal Fea...
The Development of the Educators’ Attitudes toward Gifted E...
Examination of Leisure Motivation and Students to Participa...
A Research on the Learned Resourcefulness and Psychological...
Attitudes of Primary Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers Candi...
Emotional Intelligence and Communication Skills of Nursing ...
Investigation of Self-Regulation and Problem Solving Skills...
Primary Education Science and Technology Teachers’ Knowledg...
The Reliability and Validity of the Home Early Literacy Env...
The Effects of Design Factors on Students' Success and Test...
Elementary School Classroom Teachers’ Views on Writing Diff...
Information and Communication Technology in Education of Ps...
A Developmental Analysis of 5-7 Year-Old Children's Human F...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
The Effect Of Open Inquiry-based Laboratory Activities On P...
The Development Process Of Guide Material Based On Inquiry ...
Opinions Of Primary School Teachers On How To Teach Values
Psychological Birth Order And Optimism İn High School Stude...
The Evaluation Of Qualitative Studies İn Turkey About Criti...
Pre-servıce Scıence Teachers’ Mental Images Towards Biology...
Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Self-...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
A Comparison of Gifted and Non-Gifted Students’ Emotional I...
Leadership Training İn Preschool Education: Efficiency Of “...
The Personal And Social Problems Of The Teachers Related Wi...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Development of the Democratic Education Environment Scale
The Use of Metaphors in the Processes of Teaching and Learn...
Mesleki Eğitim Merkezlerinin, Çırakların Mesleki Gelişimine...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2015/7
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 2
Investigating Classroom Teachers' Views on Age of Starting ...
TheEffects of Television Series Containing Schools on Stude...
Measurement of Relative Performance of Guidance and Psychol...
Perceptions of Teachers Related Accountability Practices In...
Developing a Scale of Listening Anxiety for Turkish Learner...
Computer Perceptions of Children in Early Childhood period
The Examination of Metaphoric Perception on the Effects of ...
To What Extent Can Pre-service Teachers Turn Theoretical Kn...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Psychometric Properties of Turkish Version of Metacognition...
The Analysis of English Language Instructors' Critical Thin...
The Relationship between Teachers’ Locus of Control and Job...
Examination of Primary School Handball Player’s Reasons for...
Sustainability in Education Buildings
Investigating the Effectiveness of a Professional Developme...
The Metaphorical Perceptions of Teacher Candidates towards ...
Developing Organizational Revenge Scale and Examining Teach...
Perceptions of Students about the Values of Respect and Sci...
Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Perceptions about Relationshi...
By The Students; Being Offended, Making Peace and Training ...
Peer Supervision: An Alternative Approach in Teachers’ Prof...
The Relationship between Academic Procrastination and Hopel...
Special Teaching Method-I Attitude Scale For Teacher Candid...
Reflections from Three Mathematics Teachers Who Conducted a...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 4
Friendship Quality and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediat...
Teacher perception of school principal interpersonal commun...
An Examination of Postgraduate Theses Written About the Gif...
Six Hat Thinking Technique in Program Evaluation: The Evalu...
Developing of a School Transparency Scale: A Study on Valid...
Academicians’ Opinions about Privatization in Higher Educat...
The Relationship between University Students’ Perceptions o...
Determination of Value Education Self-Efficacy Beliefs of P...
Examining Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Attitudes of Prospectiv...
Action Research on Using Drama in Human Rights Education
Development of the Self-Regulation Skills Scale
A Qualitative Study of the Affective Characteristics of Stu...
Views of Adolescents in High-School Period on Daydreaming
Phenomenology and its Reflections on Science Education Rese...
Perspectives of 8th Grade Students with Different Epistemol...
Development of the Resistance Scale towards Technology Supp...
Analyzing The Alternative Assessment Applications for the D...
Does the Use of Social Media Ensure Social Support and Happ...
Examination of the Preference Reasons of Teachership Profes...
Analysis of Relationships between School Climate, Teacher E...
The Coherence-related Difficulties experienced by Teacher C...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 5<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 5
Editorial: Special Issue on Achievement, Chronotype and Cir...
Sleep Habits and Chronotype Effects on Academic and Cogniti...
Morningness-Eveningness Preference, Sleep Variables and Aca...
Chronotype and Time of Day do not Influence Mathematical Ac...
Diurnal Variations and Weekly Pattern of Cognitive Performa...
Sleep Beliefs and Circadian Typology of Helping Professions...
PSQI Estimation in the Sample of Russian Students
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2013/5
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Effect of Media Literacy on Prospective Social Studies Teac...
Reflection of Prospective Teachers on the Nature of Teachin...
Development of Leadership Skills Scale for Students
An Examination of the Elementary School Teachers’ Preferred...
Performance Tasks as Alternative Assessment for Young EFL L...
Examining the Effects of Pre-service Teachers’ Personality ...
Job Burnout Experienced by Turkish Instructors of English W...
The Digital User of Social Networks: A Comparative, Transcu...
Perceptions of Secondary Education School Principals on Geo...
The Relationship between Individual Teacher Academic Optimi...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2016/8
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 1
Examination of Task Values and Expectancy Beliefs of Middle...
Stress Sources of Conservatory Students (Pages: 216 - 228)
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/4<%$ Resources: Default, Cilt %>: 2012/4
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Impact of Anxiety on the Academic Achievement of Students H...
A Case Study of a Turkish Dyslexic Student Learning English...
A Comparative Analysis on Leadership Qualities of School Pr...
Student Concept Understanding of Natural Products Chemistry...
Evaluating Primary School Students’ Deep Learning Approach ...
Students’ Conceptual Level of Understanding on Chemical Bon...
Transformational Leadership Behaviors of School Principals:...
Task Difficulty, Self-Handicapping and Performance: A Study...
Online Social Networking: A Synergy for Learning
The Effect of Conflict Resolution Strategies of the Primary...
Examining of Teacher Burnout Level in Terms of Some Variabl...
Investigation of Professional Burnout of Psychological Coun...
Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Çizgi Grafiklerine Öykü Oluştur...
Repertuar Çizelge Tekniği ile Matematikteki Limit Kavramı i...
Upper Primary School Teachers’ Views about Professional Dev...
5E Öğrenme Modelinin Kullanıldığı Öğretimin Yedinci Sınıf Ö...
Sanat Eğitimi Alan ve Almayan Lise Öğrencilerinin Problem Ç...
Bilgisayar Kullanıcılarına Yönelik Veri Atığı Ölçeğinin Gel...
İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler İçeriğine İlişkin...
Lise Öğrencilerinin Yaşam Doyumlarının Ana Baba Tutumları v...
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Comparison of Item Response Theory Test Equating Methods fo...
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Apology Speech Act Realization by NESTs and NNESTs
Views of Pre-Service Teachers on Profession: Technician or ...
Analysis of teaching Health education at primary school
Investigation of Mathematics Teachers’ Level of Following, ...
Does Classroom Culture Vary Across Different Educational Le...
Trends in Values and Character Education Researches in Turk...
The Teacher Candidates’ Views on Essential Teaching Skills ...
Investigating Educational Research Articles (1980-2014) in ...
The Perception of Highschool Teachers’ about Developing Mor...
Examining the Relationship between Leadership Styles of Sch...
Teacher Self-Efficacy as a Predictor of Burnout
An Adaptation of the Turkish Version of the Teacher Efficac...
The Investigation of First Grade Students’ Knowledge, Aware...
An Investigation of the Effects of Problem-Based Learning A...
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Organizational Learning: Perceptions of Teachers’ in Turkey
The Effect of Certain Types of Nourishment on the Intellige...
The Role of University Education in Changing the Gender Rol...
An Investigation of the Relationships between Self-Handicap...
Principals’ Perceptions on School Management: A Case Study ...
The Development and Support of Creativity in Early Childhoo...
Exploring the Teachers’ Cyber Bullying Perception in terms ...
Effective Use of Instructional Materials and Technologies i...
The Effect of Earthquake Awareness Development Program (EAD...
Effects of Teaching with 5e Model on Students’ Behaviors an...
Science and Technology Teachers’ Situation of Integrating H...
Examining Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowled...
Investigation of Factors Predicting the Anxiety Level of U...
Teacher Trainers’ Views on Foreign Language Teacher Trainin...
Collapse <%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3<%$ Resources: Default, Sayi %>: 3
Effects of Problem-Based Learning in a Web Environment on C...
Cognitive Work Developed By Students: From the Importance t...
Perception of Nonverbal Immediacy and Effective Teaching am...
Enhancing the Quality of Distance Education Program: A Case...
Examining Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes towards Teaching Pr...
Educating Women’s Rights through Teacher Education in Pakis...
The Elicitation of Prospective EFL Teachers’ Computer Anxie...
The Effect of the Mentoring Service on the Resource Managem...
Teachers’ Perceptions of Learning School Conception
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The Opinions of Classroom Teachers and Normally Developing ...
Learning Gender Subjectivities through Peer Language Social...
The Mediating and Moderating Role of Self-efficacy in the R...
Impacts of Inquiry-Based Laboratory Experiments on Prospect...
The Impact of Collaborative Graded Home Assignments on the ...
Developing and Validating a Self-Efficacy Scale for Scholar...
The Prediction of Physical Education Teacher Candidates’ Ac...
Development, Validity and Reliability of TPACK Scale with P...
An Investigation of Secondary School Students’ Written Voca...
Examining the Effective Variables on Classification of Scho...
The Place of Women History in the Current History Textbooks...
The Effect of Drama Based Learning Applied in Turkey on Suc...
The Effect of Inquiry-Based Laboratory Applications on Stud...
Examining the Relationship between Social Studies Teachers’...
Does Entrepreneurship Education Affect Entrepreneurship Lev...
Pre-service Teachers’ (History and Social Studies) Percepti...
High School Teachers' Level of Organizational Trust
Examination of Social Studies Teacher Candidates’ Study App...
Analyzing Micro-Teaching Practices of Candidate Teachers in...
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Effects of Lectures with PowerPoint or Prezi Presentations ...
An Experimental Study on Development Critical Thinking Skil...
Seeing Darkness, Hearing Silence: Student and Teacher Metap...
The effect of portfolio-based writing assessment on the dev...
The Effect of Educational Comics on the Academic Achievemen...